The Distribution Report of April 2022
In the light of the critical economic crisis, social deterioration, and harsh conditions in Lebanon, the Islamic Fatwa Association in cooperation with Tzu Chi İyilik Vakfi, organized the distribution in the days of benevolence.
Preparations for this distribution took place in April, where 146 male and female volunteers participated.
On April 20th, the preparations began to receive the goods and carry them to the distribution hall.
Then, stickers with the logo of the Tzu Chi were placed on the bags, and the food rations were packed in these bags, the work lasted for three days.
The process of distribution took place in the hall of Al-Ikha National School for 967 families from Al-Jnah area. People received their gifts during a period of three days, and the identity of each person was confirmed, and they were given a card through which they could receive the food ration.
A ration for each family included the following: 4 kilos of flour, 8 packages of pasta, 20 bags of rice, 8 bags of lentils, 16 cans of beans, and 6 liters of vegetable oil.
The people of Al-Jnah area were so pleased by receiving this assistance from Tzu Chi, and how this kind of support greatly reduces the burden of high living expenses.