Official Delegations Visit Al-Mnahil International School


Distinguished guests and dignitaries of the most senior and official figures in Turkey honored our school by a visit this morning, represented by:


Tayvan büyükelsi Yaser zeng bey

Sn.milletvekili Celalttin güvençi bey

Istanbul Vali yardimcisi Ahmet hamdi usta bey

Sultangazi kaymakamı Uğur kalkan bey

İlçe saglik mudur Emrah Eray bey

İlce millet eğitim müdür İbrahim Demir bey

Gaziosman paşa belediye baskan yardimci Ahmet bülbül bey

Istanbul il milli eğitim müdür yardımcısı Mehmet nezir eryarsoy bey

Sultangazi ilce millet egtim sube mudur Süleyman Erdoğdu bey

They wandered in the school building and our students, in turn, greeted them warmly.

Thank you, Turkey. Thank you, Taiwan


This post goes back to 2017

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