Because morals and principles are life’s necessities, we work to breed up an honorable generation to be the prospect of better future.
With these words Mr. Juma Thurayya, El Menahil International School Manager, started his talk during the meeting held at school building to discuss the process of distant learning.
Supervisors, school officials and technicians attended the meeting.
Mr. Juma Thurayya called for holding periodical meetings to set strategies and plans for the summer club and the coming school year.
During the meeting the discussion was about the importance of distant learning after this stage and about the role of distant learning to support the learning plan and to compensate for losses in the plan.
It is also a new chance to supply teachers with the required technical experience to use modern teaching tools.
Attendees overestimated officials’ and technicians’ roles in the school distant learning process because of their efforts to facilitate teachers’ use of applications related to the process.
The following recommendations were concluded at the end of the meeting:
- Doing evaluation tests to identify students’ levels accurately especially those working students in order to decide their next year supply.
- The scientific and educational committee members evaluate teachers’ performances since the start of the distant learning process at the school.
- Preparation and planning to start the summer club.
Students development and education have always been the obsession of El Menahil International School officials since its start up-till-now.
The meeting ended with Mr. Juma Thurayya good words to bless the process and praise the role of Mr. Faisal Hu and the whole Tzu Chi members. He, also, wished near coming back for all workers healthily and safely.
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