Giving days
poor families and those listed under emergency cases receive the gift allocated to them
An honorable guest from Taiwan (President of the Taiwan Chamber of Commerce in Europe), Mr. LِAM Jean-Charles, visited El-Menahil International School and participated in the students’ celebrations and joys on the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday.
He participated in distributing the monthly gift to the poor families that receive monthly financial support and whose number ıs more than 860 families, who flocked to the school in groups on Saturday.
Addressıng the families, Mr. LِAM Jean-Charles said:
“I was very touched when I heard your story and saw the joy and happiness evident on the faces of your children in this school. Tzu Chi does everything possible to help you and relieve you”. Then, he expressed his happiness to participate in this charitable work.
Tzu Chi İyilik Vakfı continues to distribute monthly gifts to the beneficiary families registered with it.
Families who received the gift under the name of emergency conditions came for the first time to the headquarters of El-Menahil International School, where the distribution took place over the course of two days, and the number of these families reached about 2450 families.
Giving to the families who found help and support in this foundation is continuous.
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