The Humanitarian Tzu Chi

Wherever you find true goodness and giving, Tzu Chi must be behind it.

It is that tree whose branches extend to all continents of the world, spreading love and humanity for free, and that is true love.

In addition to its relief, educational, and health work; The Tzu Chi Foundation is expanding its humanitarian work by opening free courses to teach the Chinese language to those who wish to learn it.

Abdullah, Tasnim, and many others from different countries of the world are taking courses to learn Chinese under the auspices of the Tzu Chi Foundation.

These students have increased their desire to learn this language after they had seen the amount of goodness and humanity that Tzu Chi members have in their hearts. Learning their language will overcome the obstacle of communicating with the charitable members of Tzu Chi, as well as creating new job opportunities for those who speak it.

The language that is spoken by Tzu Chi Charitable Foundation is worthy of learning by all of us.

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